Everyone Welcome!
No Judgement, No Ability and No Experience Required.
Ecstatic Dance is a Freeform Conscious Dance. As soon as you enter the space, you are invited to let go of judgements and expectations, and allow yourself to feel you emotions, sensations, body, mind, and spirit. Because this is a safe space for movement and expression, we do request that you follow the three main guidelines: no shoes (wear socks/comfy clothes), no alcohol or drugs, no talking (body language only). We welcome all forms of expression, while respecting others. There is no right or wrong way to dance. Trust in the journey and move through everything as it progresses.
The format and flow varies from dance to dance. You are not required to participate in any part, that does not feel comfortable for you. At anytime sitting, resting, catching your breath or observing is completely ok and sometimes necessary. Most dances allow you to arrive and leave when you wish, but some dances do close the doors at a certain point in the night. Most dances include:
- Warm-up activity (typically group movement)
- Opening circle
- 1-2 hour Ecstatic Dance
- Wind-down period (such as Sound Healing or Meditation)
- Closing Circle
The Ecstatic Dance community welcomes people of all ages/genders/religions/ethnicities. This is a cross-generational community, so often you will see dancers between the ages of 18-80 enjoying the space together. The main guidelines are that we refrain from speaking on the dance floor, honor the no drugs/substances/alcohol policy, and do not take pictures or video of the dance floor or other participants. These core guidelines enable the ecstatic dance floor to remain an intentional, sacred, and safe space for everyone. Some people come simply for the exercise, some come for the social connection, while some come to use the dance as a form of therapy, emotional catharsis, spiritual practice, or prayer. Whatever your reason for wanting to move, you are welcome at Ecstatic Dance.
Many Dancers come to dance by themselves in the group field. Some dancers also enjoy dancing with others, with or without physical contact. It is always a good practice to begin by dancing by yourself. This is a very personal journey. Feel how you are doing inside your field without interaction, and in your life in general. Set an intention for yourself and for the world at the beginning of the dance. If you would like to dance with someone else, please be certain they have given their consent, before touching them or entering their space. If you are not sure, or their eyes are closed, it is a NO. Please respect any No, and try not to take it personally. We reserve the right to deny access to anyone for any reason.
Nonverbal NO: Turn away, move away, hand(s) over your heart or prayer gesture
Nonverbal YES: Turn toward, move closer, extend a hand (open palm)
Arrive early to get acquainted with the space. There will be soft music playing. Enter the room in silence. Many people start out by stretching, meditating, relaxing with eyes closed or slowly dancing. Generally, a good Ecstatic Dance will often present several peaks or waves of emotion that can be experienced as a “birth and death” cycle. The music will almost always start at a low volume, energy and tempo range as people wake up their bodies. As the tempo and energy increases, there is usually an ecstatic moment of catharsis, with the group peaking in energy and movement together. After that high point, the energy subsides back down to a resting place that becomes focused more inward. There can be one single wave across the 2 hours of the event, or several, depending on the DJ.
Dates and Times of Sessions Offered
Cost per session…
Always bring a water bottle, and make sure to stay hydrated during the dance! Water is usually provided for free, and sometimes snacks or other items are offered for purchase, after the dance concludes. You may bring a snack, but food and drink is not allowed on the dance floor for obvious safety reasons. Most importantly, bring an open mind, a curious spirit, and a body ready to dance! Some people like to bring a towel for sweat. While the benefits of sweating during a dance are plentiful, no one wants to be dripping with sweat. Perspiration helps to release heat, regulating your core temperature. But when it does get a bit much, that sweat towel will come in use.
Dress to sweat and for comfort! We recommend you wear clothes that allow your full range of motion. Bring socks if you wish, but no shoes are allowed on the dancefloor. We all sweat when we dance. Some of us sweat more easily (and profusely) than others. There’s nothing wrong with this healthy body function. Sweating is good for you. It opens up pores to release toxins and regulates body temperature. Some dances incorporate the Super Sauna. The Super Sauna warms the body in a similar manner as natural sunlight. It’s infrared heat therapy uses the wavelength of the visible and nonvisible light spectrum of sunlight. Infrared heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation or UV rays, helping you to burn more calories and expel more toxins through sweat.
Another great thing about ecstatic dance; It’s all about inclusivity, meaning people of all ages, sizes, and abilities attend these events. It’s common to see people in wheelchairs or with other disablities or limitations expressing themselves through ecstatic dance.
A Few Simple Rules
We welcome everyone, including people of color, religion, political views, sexual orientation, ethnicity, body type, age, gender, mobility and ability. These few rules are for the safety, comfort and acceptance of everyone sharing the experience. Although couples, families and friends often participate together, ecstatic dance is primarily for personal intraspection.
Please respect those around you.

No shoes
Please remove your shoes when you arrive. If you aren’t able to dance barefoot, wear soft-soled dance shoes that are for inside use only. Socks are allowed, but we recommend non slip or anti skid socks for your safety.

No Drugs/No Alcohol
At first, releasing your inhibitions on the dance floor minus alcohol or drugs may seem like a challenge. However, once you experience that first rush of endorphins, it becomes clear. The natural high is euphoric and superior.

No phones
Please mute your phone or other electronic devices. No phones are permitted on the dance floor, including videos or photos of the dancers. Take this time to engage directly with the world and set your screen aside!

Remember to zip it on the dance floor. Let the music and movement guide the dance. Please speak in quiet voices in the provided space only. Save socializing and sharing with your new and old friends until after the event.